Japanese in yangon. not many people are interested in learning japanese at this stage”. it was not only the japanese-speaking inn owner that proves this observation wrong. let me give you a quick account of what you could expect in yangon if you know japanese.. The jf language course has prepared textbooks to learn japanese society and culture as well as japanese language. this aims to develop competence in accomplishing tasks in japanese and furthermore to have japanese learners feel familiar to people living in the japanese society.. During five years, the number of people who that had sat for the japanese language exam has increased by 50 per cent, said union minister for education dr. myo thein gyi, at a refresher course for the japanese language teachers, at the yangon university of foreign language (yufl) on december 7..
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Whether you are learning japanese for travelling, working abroad or with foreign companies, these japanese course will enable you to communicate confidently on a basic level in everyday situations, socialise and not feel out of place in the country you are visiting.. Yangon language exchange - practice and learn foreign languages with many language exchange native partners 〔 100% free〕 〔 from 200 countries〕 〔 more than 170 languages〕.
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